Chocolates distributed to Staff at Wentworth Medical Centre and Deansbrook School

Barnet Rotarian Brian Coleman distributed M and Ms donated by Mars from their currently closed Leicester Square store to staff and volunteers of the Wentworth Medical Centre where many Barnet residents are receiving Covid 19 vaccinations and to Carole Catley Headteacher of Deansbrook Infant School (pictured below) for her hard pressed teaching staff.

Brian had collected the chocolates from Immediate Past District Governor Tony Sharma who has built up an excellent relationship with Mars. This is the third time during the pandemic that Mars have used Rotary in London to distribute their stock to key workers as a thank you for their endeavours during the pandemic.

Rotarian Douglas Green, a longstanding member of the Barnet Club had his vaccination at the Wentworth Medical Centre and said that all the staff and volunteers were absolutely marvellous, so it was excellent that Rotary and Mars could thank them in this way.